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Video Editing 101-1 Proxy and Structure

Updated: Dec 30, 2018

In this post, I will explore my technique for editing a basic FPV video. Main points will focus on the creation of proxy files, project file structure, and basic editing.


First of all, let's discuss file management.

When I first started editing my footage from flying, it was a painful and tedious process managing my video files. I would add all my files to a "new folder" and go through the footage picking out my favorite clips and then throw an audio track on top and export.

As my footage grew in length and my editing became more intricate, I found that file management was slowing my process down a lot.

This is when I decided to start to organize my project in a better standard.

I always start with a project folder and always add at least these 3 subdirectories




This basic standard will make managing, adding and finding files a lot easier and will make for a much smoother edit. It is a simple technique that is often overlooked by many content creators.


Next, and most important, let's discuss Proxy files.

Let's face it, most of us do not have a "workstation" computer for video editing. We usually are working on a more "consumer" grade PC or mac that isn't equipped with the kind of core count or memory volume needed to render video at a professional level. Usually, we just deal with the dropped frames and long processing time when making cuts, adding effects, or color grading.

Did you know there is a better way?

Allow me to introduce you to Proxy files.

In adobe premiere, Final Cut, and Sony Vegas, and many other popular video editing software's there is a way to create and edit a lower resolution/bitrate version of your video files that, when encoded, will automatically use the original files to output the full quality that was originally shot.

This will take a huge strain off your computer when editing, allowing a more seamless and fast edit maintaining a full resolution output when finished.

In this tutorial, we will be using Adobe Premiere Pro.

First of all, open Adobe Premiere Pro and create a Project name. Save that project in the /Adobe folder you created before starting.

- Click on your "Media Browser"

- Click on "Injest"

- Click on the Wrench icon

- Click the drop-down and then select Create Proxies

- Select the preset that suits your computer

You can add your own preset by clicking the "Add Injest Preset..."

- Click OK

Next, import your video file/files by holding CTRL/CMD and pressing "I" then choosing video file/files

Adobe Media Encoder should automatically load and re-encode the video file/files

After Media Encoder is done encoding your video files you can close and return to Adobe Premiere.

To verify you are working with proxy files, simply right click/control click on the metadata columns in your project files window and select Metadata Display

Then type "proxy" in the search bar and check "proxy" from the results. Click "OK"

To verify you are working with a proxy file, find "Proxy" in the Metadata columns and verify your video file/files show "Attached" next to them

That's it, now just edit your videos like normal. You will find that you will drop fewer frames, if any, during editing without the need to render the video before watching within premiere.

Please comment with questions you have with this process and I will respond as quickly as possible. Look out for other more advanced editing techniques coming soon.

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